Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's Official. .

I am officially a Master of Education! I've finished my time in graduate school, closed my residence hall at Texas A&M for the last time, told my staff good-bye and moved out of my apartment. I had intended to write one last time before I left College Station, however life took over. I ended up hanging out with my cohort in my last evenings in BCS instead.

Now I'm back in Kentucky for the summer. I brought home a box of books that I've been wanting to read and I'm already on number three. The weather at home is perfect. It's been cool, in the eighties, and sunny (except for today). I have had my window open since I've been home and I forgot how wonderful sleeping in a slightly chilly bedroom is!! I am glad that I get to see some spring while I'm home.

So far I've spent the last two afternoons with my friend Grace at coffee shops, playing Phase 10 and chillin' on our Macs. The summer plans include much of the same. They include- Sleeping until noon most days, reading all the books I brought home, playing lots of Phase 10, dog shopping and taking some pictures. I also need to come up with a jazzy new name for this blog since I will no longer be in graduate school. I'm open for suggestions!!

Speaking of pictures here's a slideshow of hooding and the fun surrounding it: