This week feels like it had several weeks crammed into one. I've been waiting to update mainly because I haven't had the time and because I've traveled a lot this week. Here's the run down (warning, it's long!):
Last Sunday my mom flew into to Houston for a religious education conference. The plan was for me to pick her up around 1 at the airport. Then we would go check her into her hotel and spend sometime together. She had mentioned shopping. BUT the reality was that her plane was delayed 5+ hours leaving Louisville. So I picked her up, let her check into her hotel, we went do dinner (Cheesecake Factory, YUM) and then I dropped her off. My Paw-Paw (who reads this according to my mom) will be pleased to know that no shopping took place!
I then proceeded to spend 1.5 hours driving around the same 15ish miles in Houston trying desperately to get home! Mom called me about 2 hours after I dropped her off to check on my status (it only takes about 1.5 to get from Downtown Houston to College Station), and I was STILL in Houston proper. GEEZ!
I HATE that city. I told my mom that I would absolutely not ever live in Houston. She told me to be careful about that. She always said she would never marry a man with chest hair, but then she married my dad (who has hair not only on his chest, but his back as well!). I told her I felt that was a little different. . .
Monday was jam packed with stuff that I don't remember. It seems like it was a month ago.
Tuesday was The Big Day- Comps! I finished my case study on Saturday, and then left it until Monday to do final edits. The edits were entertaining to say the least. (Click here to read about one of them). I didn't sleep on Monday night because I was so nervous. Which I just think is pathetic since I knew I would pass and that I had done an excellent job with my case. None the less, I didn't sleep.
Then came the day. I swear I have never been so emotional in all my life (which says a lot since I'm pretty emotional). My exam was between 12:45-2:00. I have never been so nervous and time has never passed so slowly. Right before I left I received a facebook message from one of my students at Baylor. She wanted me to know that she was praying for me that afternoon, and let me know by typing out the prayer as she prayed it. I cried in my office and part of the way to the room.
I arrived 30 minutes early. They told us that we should be there 15 minutes early (even though they are ALWAYS running behind. . . ) and I wanted to make sure that I was on time. I am the person who is always late. While sitting there I did the soduko puzzle in the Battalion, and did most of the crossword puzzle. I didn't think I liked crosswords, but I actually think I do now. Then, one of my cohort members came to meet with his committee chair. He was early so he sat and talked to me for a few minutes. I cried a little bit again.
FINALLY, I get called in to present my case. The way that works we have 20 minutes to present the issues that we see, the alternatives that we discussed and our final course of action. My paper was 20 pages with 1.5 line spacing. 20 minutes is NOT much time. I went over time, of course. Then came the questioning.
Now, I think it's important to note what I was wearing and a thought that crossed my mind as I walked to Harrington. I wore my favorite black dress. It's essentially a long button up shirt with a red belt that goes around the waist. I think it's super comfy, professional and feminine. And, it makes me look skinner than I actually am. So I LOVE it.
But, I couldn't help but think as I was walking to my exam that I felt like I was heading to an appointment with the firing squad and that it was fitting that I was wearing black.
Fast forward to my comps questioning. I love the faculty members that I chose to be on my committee. I really do. They represent my favorite classes and people who I would consider mentors. With that said however, I really thought for a portion of my exam that I might fail. The way the questions were asked didn't make sense to me. And they were things that didn't really apply to my case. I really felt like I didn't pay attention in law class, even though I did and I loved it. So, needless to say, I was holding back tears and getting choked up during my exam.
Then I had to go wait outside while they decided if I passed. When they came out and told me that I did pass, I cried again. GEEZ! The professor who teaches the comps prep class told us that every year at least one person cries. I really thought it would be someone else in my cohort. I think I might have been the only one. But, who cares I passed, and as long as I turn the rest of my assignments in, I'm graduating on May 9th.
Adios, Grad School!
The rest of the week brought some sleep, two campus interviews, homework that was due but hasn't been started and the return of The Office. (Who has assignments due comps week, anyway?!) Also, I feel like I have much more clarity and peace about my job search. I am excited to know for sure and be able to tell everyone where I'll be in a couple of months.
I also made my first grown up purchase yesterday. I bought a couch! I furniture store in Bryan was going out of business and I went to look around. I found a GREAT deal on a couch and got it! I will be going tomorrow with the men of my cohort to pick it up and move it into my apartment! I'm SOO excited. I'll post pictures!
That's all for now I think. I need to get started on my assignments. Yikes. :(
26 days and counting!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Life As I Currently Know It
Posted by
Sarah Gail
1:18 PM
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Hi Sarah, your Aunt Ann reads your blog too because paw paw sent me a link! CONGRATS ON PASSING YOUR EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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