Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Summary of My Life

Can be contained within one paper. Not so much within the paper itself, or the article it was based off of, but the blonde moment surrounding it. Last Thursday we had a quantitative article critique due in my assessment class. The assignment was to find an article, and critique it. I printed the article way ahead of time, and the paper was a short 2-3 pager. I turned it in, no sweat. My assessment professor's office is next door to my practicum office. Today I walk to work, and there on my door is a bright pink post-it that says:

Come see me when you get a chance.
I get really nervous when people write vague things like that, largely because I am scared to death I'm going to screw something up. I sit in my office waiting for her to come. 45 minutes later she gets back from lunch.
I nervously ask, "What did I do wrong?" . . .
Her: "Well . . .(pause) nothing"
Me: "Does my paper stink? It does doesn't it?"
Her: "Well I don't know because I haven't read your paper. . . .
Me: "oh"

Come to find out I had not read the assignment very clearly. The article was supposed to be from one of two journals. And I, unlike any other one of my 11 classmates, totally missed that. Even though, it was highlighted on my syllabus.

I felt like the biggest idiot. I was assured, at least one person does it every year. I am that one person. That really stinks for a OCD-perfectionist like myself. So, after apologizing profusely, she agrees to allow me re-write it. I am simultaneously relieved and stressed. I have basically less than 24 hours to re-write the paper and submit it before class tomorrow. If something horrible happens and I can't get it finished (i.e crisis in my hall) I get until Friday at 12. This is good because I don't have time to have this hanging over my head this weekend.

So, on the night I reserved for knocking out my law case study due Tuesday. I'm re-writing a paper that I finished over a week ago. I feel like a really competent grad student. (insert sarcastic look)

Here's why this stresses me out- my to-do list for next week:

  • Law case study (10-12 pages) due Tuesday
  • Law reading and Major Concept (we have a guest teacher. . . one of our Associate VPs, needless to say I need to know my shiznet)
  • Revised Resume and Cover letter Due Wednesday
  • Online Practicum class discussion Wednesday
  • Reading and Major Concepts for Assessment due Thursday
  • Leave Friday night for Dallas for a conference through the 30th. Which means: my Law Research Project (10-12 pages on freedom of expression and faculty/staff spirituality) that is due on the 30th, must be turned in by next Friday along with the accompanying major concept from that day's reading.
  • Oh yeah, and National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week is next week. I'm on the planning committee so every day I have activities that I have to be at for that.
  • Two days after I get back from the conference, one of my assessment projects is due. Luckily I basically finished that one on the plane ride back from KY. I need to proof read it and make sure I fully read the instructions.

So. . . needless to say, I'm buried in school work this weekend. Which is sad. But, I'm also on call for Res life which means I need to stick close to campus anyway. I would like to have all the assignments finished by Sunday night. I am going to work very hard to make it happen.

I also need to fit in donating plasma, getting my hair cut, and calling a couple of my favorite Belmont people to make sure they know I'm going to be in Dallas. I certainly don't want any of this school work hanging over my head since I want to be free to visit with my friends! There are so many folks I'm going to want to catch up with while I'm there. For me, NODAC is the light at the end of my tunnel. . . never thought I'd say that about a professional conference.

On a positive school note- I actually used my Law today, and knew what I was talking about! My brother is having some issues with one of his professors allowing him to make up work from when he was unconscious in ICU. She refuses to allow him to make up a speech he was supposed to give, told him she should have e-mailed her and suggested he drop the course. I remind you, he was unconscious in ICU at the time. How he would have e-mailed her, I'm not sure! Anyway, I explained to my mom that his medical condition is covered under ADA and that if he goes through the appropriate disabilities office she can't legally deny him reasonable accommodations. It was pretty neat.

Anyway, other than school, life has been good. I have 14 conduct cases scheduled for this week, but I'm actually starting to enjoy that process. 5 of them were guys who are involved in pranks with trash cans in my building. I loved assigning them community service of taking the trash out for the custodial staff every morning at 7 a.m. :) Hopefully they'll learn something from it!

Well, for me it's back to more case law. Once I finish printing off my articles for the case study, I need to do my assessment paper. Wish me luck. Say a few prayers. Feel free to distract ;)