I have a new blog for a new life! (post graduate life!) Please update all links, readers, etc, accordingly!
It is: chooselife3019.blogspot.com
Thursday, July 03, 2008
New Blog
Posted by
Sarah Gail
6:10 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Free Apron- Rick Rack Attack
This site, Rick Rack Attack, lists great vintage aprons, and I'm going to get a free one! You can too, so click the picture above to find out how, or to check out their cool aprons!!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
5:11 PM
Labels: Rick Rack Attack Aprons
Thursday, June 12, 2008
One other thing. . .
If you are looking for any sort of temporary employment, you should consider Kelly Services. They hire for temp positions in a lot of different capacities. I typically do data entry, office type work, but this was what came open first. And, if you sign up with them, mention that I sent you, and I get a little bonus! :) Everyone benefits!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
8:59 PM
Labels: Kelly Services
Post #101
I guess that's come kind of landmark or something, but here it is, post #101.
Wal-Mart's gotten a pretty bad rap in recent years for human rights "violations", and wiping out local stores (the latter could also be said for companies like Starbucks, etc.). Not to mention, I've heard many people make the point that for a company that talks about selling products that are "Made in the USA" there are an awful lot of "Made in China" stickers. Today I learned that just because something says it's "Made in China" doesn't mean there isn't a whole lot of US Labor force put into it.
Today I started a week long temp job at a local company that packages and ships border (the wallpaper kind, not the scrapbook kind). I spent eight hours of my life today stuffing, boxing and taping border for Wal-Mart. In addition to learning that there is apparently a pretty high demand for border (even though a lot of it is pretty ugly), I saw a lot of people putting a lot of hard work into preparing that product to go on the shelves at Wal-Mart. The box says that it's made in China, but the truth is a lot of the work is actually done in the USA, (in KY in particular).
For me, it demonstrates how connected the world is. Also, it seems obvious that sometimes the ones you think are benefiting the most aren't. One would think that China has a pretty good deal going. And maybe they do. But I know that there are a lot of people in my hometown who have jobs and put a lot of work into those "made in china" products- and I'd say that our community benefits pretty well from it. {The people I work with, although they are not paid nearly enough, probably get more than the ones working on the other end in China}.
I'm not pretending to be an expert on finance, economics or world trade. Just stating what I saw today. {I'm also not saying that I'm going to shop at Wal-Mart more, my issues have to do with the fact it's always crowded, too big, dirty, and the lines are too slow. But, if I ever need border with palm trees on it, perhaps I'll check out Wal-Mart first.}
Posted by
Sarah Gail
8:26 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
My life as of now
I've been home for a month on Friday, and I'll be honest, it seems like a much longer time. In a month tomorrow, I'll be leaving to head back to Texas and move into my new place in Waco. I've spent the last month reading (up to 9 books as of yesterday), hanging out at the local coffee shop playing card/dice games with my friend Grace, and sleeping a lot. I have also started working out at the Family Activity Center in town just about every day. The working out hasn't produced any weight loss, but I can run 1.25 miles now!!
As each day passes, I get more and more excited about moving to Waco and starting my new job. I believe that this season of life is going to be a very good one. It is that excitement that is making this summer seem so long! There has been a recurring theme in my scripture reading lately, it can be found in this verse from Ephesians:
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
-Ephesians 2: 10
This excitement has me thinking about what is really important to me and how I hope to grow over the next several years. Stay posted!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
7:52 PM
Labels: excitement, new job, summer, waco
For my blogging friends
I really enjoy writing on my blog, and I thought it might be neat to make a little bit of money doing it (some folks have been uber successful with this!). In searching for a way to make money with my blog, I found this company called bloggerwave. They have various ways for you to earn a little bit of change while continuing the blogging. Feel free to check it out below!!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
2:37 PM
Labels: blog, bloggerwave, make money
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Some Favorites For You!
To the right of my blog you'll see a link to the Alive Campaign Blog. The Alive Campaign was started by a few Baylor students when their friend told them he wanted to kill himself. They were so moved by his story, they began a campaign to rise awareness about suicide prevention. Their mission is to ride their bikes from Waco, TX to Anchorage, Alaska. This is roughly a 4500 mile bike trek. You should check out their blog on the right and keep up with their story.

Posted by
Sarah Gail
3:43 PM
Labels: alive campaign, good books
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
It's Official. .
I am officially a Master of Education! I've finished my time in graduate school, closed my residence hall at Texas A&M for the last time, told my staff good-bye and moved out of my apartment. I had intended to write one last time before I left College Station, however life took over. I ended up hanging out with my cohort in my last evenings in BCS instead.
Now I'm back in Kentucky for the summer. I brought home a box of books that I've been wanting to read and I'm already on number three. The weather at home is perfect. It's been cool, in the eighties, and sunny (except for today). I have had my window open since I've been home and I forgot how wonderful sleeping in a slightly chilly bedroom is!! I am glad that I get to see some spring while I'm home.
So far I've spent the last two afternoons with my friend Grace at coffee shops, playing Phase 10 and chillin' on our Macs. The summer plans include much of the same. They include- Sleeping until noon most days, reading all the books I brought home, playing lots of Phase 10, dog shopping and taking some pictures. I also need to come up with a jazzy new name for this blog since I will no longer be in graduate school. I'm open for suggestions!!
Speaking of pictures here's a slideshow of hooding and the fun surrounding it:
Posted by
Sarah Gail
3:21 PM
Labels: finished, graduation, kentucky
Monday, May 05, 2008
I am watching the evening news and one of the democratic candidates said:
"You don't pick a president to make speeches, you pick a president to solve problems and take care of you and your family."
Really? I'm pretty sure that I don't elect a president for those reasons. I'm pretty sure the president is basically a figure head who is in most cases, in capable of actually doing anything. He or she can stop things from happening, which is more why I vote for a president.
Call me crazy, but I don't expect or desire the president to take care of me or my family. Call me Miss Independent, but I prefer to make those decisions by myself. And as far as those who aren't able to do that, they should be taught how to fish. Seriously. I'm scared for the future of our country. Socialism here we come. . . (and we all know how well that's worked out for people who've tried. . . )
Posted by
Sarah Gail
5:09 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I have a job

I worked at Baylor this past summer and absolutely loved my time there. The campus is beautiful, the students are really bright and fun, and the folks I'll work with are pretty great too.
Click the photo of the bear on the left to explore Baylor's Webpage.
Sic 'Em Bears!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
8:33 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sunshine and Summertime. . .
We had RA field day yesterday (Saturday). While I was not participating, like a good hall director I went to cheer my staff team on (they won 4th overall.) Here's a slide show of them having fun!
During the lunch break I was sitting in a circle with some of my colleagues. I mentioned that I love Texas because of days like this. It was mid-80s and Beautiful! It's like this a lot of the days of the year, winter only last around 2 weeks.
What I forgot about Texas sunshine is that it is much easier to get sunburned. I was only for about an hour and a half and spent half that time under a tree in the shade. But my left arm looks very similar to a lobster leg. My shoulders are actually red, rather than pink. And it HURTS! Guess if I'm going to live in Texas I need to remember that sunscreen is a must, even in April!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
10:31 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Some of my friends have things going on in their lives I want to tell you about.
First my friend Kim (who was one of my first residents as an RA), her husband Jamie, and their family are dealing with Kim's father's illness. He has been diagnosed with the most aggressive form of brain cancer and has death within 6 months in all cases. He was diagnosed 8 years ago! However, he is in the hospital and is very, very sick. Pray for her family and her father. Kim and Jamie are leaving tomorrow to drive from Nashville to Wisconsin, so pray for their safety and that Kim will get to spend time with her father. You can read their story by clicking here
On a happier note: My friend Kristine has designed a "green" shopping bag in a competition for Kroger. You can vote for her bag and help her win! Go Here
Posted by
Sarah Gail
4:55 PM
Labels: friends
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Life As I Currently Know It
This week feels like it had several weeks crammed into one. I've been waiting to update mainly because I haven't had the time and because I've traveled a lot this week. Here's the run down (warning, it's long!):
Last Sunday my mom flew into to Houston for a religious education conference. The plan was for me to pick her up around 1 at the airport. Then we would go check her into her hotel and spend sometime together. She had mentioned shopping. BUT the reality was that her plane was delayed 5+ hours leaving Louisville. So I picked her up, let her check into her hotel, we went do dinner (Cheesecake Factory, YUM) and then I dropped her off. My Paw-Paw (who reads this according to my mom) will be pleased to know that no shopping took place!
I then proceeded to spend 1.5 hours driving around the same 15ish miles in Houston trying desperately to get home! Mom called me about 2 hours after I dropped her off to check on my status (it only takes about 1.5 to get from Downtown Houston to College Station), and I was STILL in Houston proper. GEEZ!
I HATE that city. I told my mom that I would absolutely not ever live in Houston. She told me to be careful about that. She always said she would never marry a man with chest hair, but then she married my dad (who has hair not only on his chest, but his back as well!). I told her I felt that was a little different. . .
Monday was jam packed with stuff that I don't remember. It seems like it was a month ago.
Tuesday was The Big Day- Comps! I finished my case study on Saturday, and then left it until Monday to do final edits. The edits were entertaining to say the least. (Click here to read about one of them). I didn't sleep on Monday night because I was so nervous. Which I just think is pathetic since I knew I would pass and that I had done an excellent job with my case. None the less, I didn't sleep.
Then came the day. I swear I have never been so emotional in all my life (which says a lot since I'm pretty emotional). My exam was between 12:45-2:00. I have never been so nervous and time has never passed so slowly. Right before I left I received a facebook message from one of my students at Baylor. She wanted me to know that she was praying for me that afternoon, and let me know by typing out the prayer as she prayed it. I cried in my office and part of the way to the room.
I arrived 30 minutes early. They told us that we should be there 15 minutes early (even though they are ALWAYS running behind. . . ) and I wanted to make sure that I was on time. I am the person who is always late. While sitting there I did the soduko puzzle in the Battalion, and did most of the crossword puzzle. I didn't think I liked crosswords, but I actually think I do now. Then, one of my cohort members came to meet with his committee chair. He was early so he sat and talked to me for a few minutes. I cried a little bit again.
FINALLY, I get called in to present my case. The way that works we have 20 minutes to present the issues that we see, the alternatives that we discussed and our final course of action. My paper was 20 pages with 1.5 line spacing. 20 minutes is NOT much time. I went over time, of course. Then came the questioning.
Now, I think it's important to note what I was wearing and a thought that crossed my mind as I walked to Harrington. I wore my favorite black dress. It's essentially a long button up shirt with a red belt that goes around the waist. I think it's super comfy, professional and feminine. And, it makes me look skinner than I actually am. So I LOVE it.
But, I couldn't help but think as I was walking to my exam that I felt like I was heading to an appointment with the firing squad and that it was fitting that I was wearing black.
Fast forward to my comps questioning. I love the faculty members that I chose to be on my committee. I really do. They represent my favorite classes and people who I would consider mentors. With that said however, I really thought for a portion of my exam that I might fail. The way the questions were asked didn't make sense to me. And they were things that didn't really apply to my case. I really felt like I didn't pay attention in law class, even though I did and I loved it. So, needless to say, I was holding back tears and getting choked up during my exam.
Then I had to go wait outside while they decided if I passed. When they came out and told me that I did pass, I cried again. GEEZ! The professor who teaches the comps prep class told us that every year at least one person cries. I really thought it would be someone else in my cohort. I think I might have been the only one. But, who cares I passed, and as long as I turn the rest of my assignments in, I'm graduating on May 9th.
Adios, Grad School!
The rest of the week brought some sleep, two campus interviews, homework that was due but hasn't been started and the return of The Office. (Who has assignments due comps week, anyway?!) Also, I feel like I have much more clarity and peace about my job search. I am excited to know for sure and be able to tell everyone where I'll be in a couple of months.
I also made my first grown up purchase yesterday. I bought a couch! I furniture store in Bryan was going out of business and I went to look around. I found a GREAT deal on a couch and got it! I will be going tomorrow with the men of my cohort to pick it up and move it into my apartment! I'm SOO excited. I'll post pictures!
That's all for now I think. I need to get started on my assignments. Yikes. :(
26 days and counting!!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
1:18 PM
Monday, April 07, 2008
Comprehensive Exam Week
My comprehensive exam is tomorrow at 12:45 until 2 p.m. (central time). I finished my written case study on Saturday and didn't look at it again until this afternoon. I'm glad I decided to edit the paper because of this:
I wrote: "This focus on miserable achievement"
Instead of: "This focus on measurable achievement"
That's a Freudian slip at it's best!
Keep me in your prayers!! Hopefully this time tomorrow I'll be officially approved to graduate!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
8:17 PM
Labels: comps
Friday, April 04, 2008
Sweet Southern Comfort. . .
I love that song. But, no matter how much I love it, and how much time goes by, I really am bitter that Kentucky is the only Southern state not referenced in it. Seriously. Texas is, but not Kentucky. Bitter Betty party of one!
Back to the case study. . .
Posted by
Sarah Gail
11:13 PM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
I just typed the words "Comprehensive Exam Case Study" on a cover sheet of the paper. Holy cow!! I'm actually doing my comps!! :)
My heart literally skipped a beat or two after I typed, and when I went back to re-read it!
Holy Cow! 38 days until I have a masters degree, an Aggie Ring, and, hopefully, a job!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
9:26 PM
Monday, March 31, 2008
One Week From Now
- It will be the day before my comprehensive final. (pray for me on April 8th from 12:45 p.m.- 2p.m. central time)
- Most of my cohort will have gotten their Aggie Rings (I get mine on 5/9)
- My Mom will be in Texas! She's coming for a conference in Houston. I get to see her for part of her time here, and she keeps mentioning "shopping" :)
- My best friend will FINALLY be back in the same country as me!!! She will reenter the world of sweet tea, talking in english, and non-international phone calls. :) I'm excited about being able to call her and talk to her much more often!
There's not much going on this week, but SO much anticipation for next week!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
10:36 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
My life. . . (just this week)
The following example sums up how I feel about this week:
In 12 hours I will be sitting in a meeting with one of the associate directors of my department. I am very nervous about this meeting, and have no idea what to expect. I don't really know what it's about (I kinda do, but we've talked through this issue like crazy, so I can't imagine what is left to discuss. And I kind of feel like I might be in trouble and that I might be about to get my butt bit. But I'm not the one to do anything wrong. It's a long crazy story. 44 days is all I have left to deal with it. Praise Jesus!)
Anyway, between now and then I have to complete my LAST practice case study (already 14 pages), meet with a student at 8 a.m. to do a room change, meet another hall director at 8;30 to grab coffee before the meeting above. OH- I can't forget, sleep, shower, and get dressed.
Tomorrow's agenda looks like this:
8-830- Meeting with student
8:30-9- Pick up coffee
9-10ish- Meeting with director
10-11ish- Student Leader Learning Outcomes Committee Meeting
11-12ish- Order my Aggie Ring, pick up lunch from somewhere on campus
12-3ish- Class
3-7ish- Start research paper due Thursday
7-715ish- Fire Drill
8-9ish- Staff meeting
9ish til whenever- Finish paper due in class on Thursday.
YIKES!!!! I don't think I'm going to get my full 8 hours tonight! :(
BUT, on the bright side, after comps (April 8th for me) I only have three assignments left- and they are all at the end of April! :) I'll sleep April 9th.
Posted by
Sarah Gail
9:19 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
Being Reminded
Lately I've been reminded of a few things. I thought I'd share:
- I enjoy cooking especially for other people.
- I LOVE springtime.
- One of the reasons that I love Texas is the long spring season and the ability to go jogging in March wearing only a tank top and shorts.
- I enjoy jogging.
- I remember why I quit jogging as my knee THROBBED the entire way around the track.
- I'm graduating really soon- I got my case study prompt today!
- My RA staff is phenomenal and I'm really going to miss them.
Posted by
Sarah Gail
6:45 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
So much pride
I have always been proud to be a Belmont Bruin. I had wanted to go to this "music school" since I was a freshman or sophomore in high school. I remember my senior year how distant the dream seemed. The tuition was way out of my price range, and I was one of those students who coasted through high school with at 3.3.- hardly worthy of a scholarship to an academically based institution.
But, things worked out. God stepped in and one change of my parents hearts, on leadership scholarship and $50000 in student loans later, I graduated from Belmont. With two degrees- neither one the Music Business major that initially attracted me to the small gem hidden within the music city. I could have gone to a cheaper school and gotten my degrees after realizing the music industry wasn't for me. But my pride and love the Belmont, kept me there. Tuition raise after tuition raise.
There is so much pride in my heart for that little school on a hilltop- the school that was/is often overshadowed by the school across the street- Vandy. (I can't imagine how poor little David Lipscomb feels at the other end of the blvd.). I was blessed to be a part of a class that got to see a lot of changes take place that have really boosted our little school into the national spot light.
I survived living in Wright Hall when it was surrounded by construction- The Beaman Student Life and Curb Event Centers on one side, and Kennedy Hall (known only as The New Hall then) on the other. I lived in Hillside when they started tearing down portions of Bruin Hills to build Thrailkill Hall. I remember when Homecoming consisted of Fall Follies and Soccer Games, and students didn't have that much buy in. I remember rushing to get to Showcases early because the Massey Performing Arts Center couldn't hold as many people who would be there. And volunteering to help with set up for The Best of the Best at the Ryman so I could attend. I remember when Belmont was completely a baptist school, and the debate over trustees hadn't yet made its way into the student spectrum. I was there the first year the CMT awards were on campus, I remember how irritated I was about being hassled on my way to work and having to wear "credentials" in my own student center.
I went to the first games in the Curb Events Center- when there weren't a lot more people than Vince Gill and his family. I remember watching with pride as we played and lost to Vandy in the days before Justin Hare. I watched the enthusiasm for Belmont Sports grow and with it, the enthusiasm for the school increase. I was so proud to graduate knowing that I had received a stellar education and that as I moved on to graduate school I was much better prepared than many of my peers from other institutions. To top it off, I had relationships with faculty and administrators that I relied on then, and have been blessed to be able to depend upon now. I had given back to my school by being an RA and a class officer. I was able to be a part of the beginning of the senior class scholarship (a tradition I pray continues and grows). I was sad to leave, but couldn't wait to frame and hang my diplomas on my wall. I wore my Belmont Ring with pride, and still do.
Now, almost two complete years later, the pride I had for my institution then seems so minuscule when compared with the pride I feel now. My alma mater has been in the top of similar institutions, and opened beauitful new health science and theater buildings. An alumna rocked the country on American Idol, and a girl who I sang with in a gospel choir and knew as one of her RAs was crowned Miss USA. Bring grace, pose, integrity and humility to the disgraced program.
As if that weren't enough, the school is hosting a presidential debate this year. The students and alumni are constantly being recognized for their work and contributions. One of my favorite faculty members received a state wide teaching award (so deserved!). And our basketball team has steadily, and consistently forced its name into the living rooms of America. My little Belmont lost to Duke by one point, in the last seconds of the game. People who gave me a hard time about my faith in my school, are finally starting to realize Belmont is more than just a music school with famous alumni. They are starting to take note.
All the great things going on are not a surprise to me. I've known there is something special about that school on a hilltop for nearly a decade now. I had no idea what that might come to look like, and never would have imagined that my little Belmont would be in the place it is now. I cannot wait to see what is in store in the future. I am sure that the institutions motto "from here to anywhere" is true not only for its students, but for Belmont as well.
Go Belmont. . . .
Posted by
Sarah Gail
2:21 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I'm in love...
. . . with an outstanding book. I have recently been reading Elizabeth Gilbert's book Eat Pray Love. I find myself needing to keep a pen with me when reading because I want to remember lines or paragraphs from the book. I want to share one that is especially powerful to me:
There's a power struggle going on across Europe these days. A few cities are competing against each other to see who shall emerge as the great twenty-first-century European metropolis. Will it be London? Paris? Berlin? Zurich? Maybe Brussels, center of the young union? They all strive to out do one another culturally, architecturally, politically, fiscally. But Rome, it should be said, has not bothered to join the race for status. Rome doesn't compete. Rome just watches all the fussing and striving, completely unfazed, exuding an air like: 'Hey- do whatever you want, but I'm still Rome.' I am inspired by the regal self-assurance of this town, so grounded and rounded, so amused and monumental, knowing that she is held securely in the palm of history. I would like to be like Rome when I am an old lady. (p. 72)
While reading that, before I got to the last line, all I could think is how I want to be like that. When I read the last line, I literally exclaimed "Amen!" alone in my apartment.
I've been thinking about the ideas of self-assurance, classiness, and stability a lot lately.
Recently I went to the JFK Presidential Museum in Boston. I found myself drawn to Jackie Kennedy Onassis. She was such a symbol of classic beauty and elegance. She went through a lot of crazy, chaotic, and traumatic things in her life but remained steady, grounded and timeless.
I have found myself surrounded by a lot of competition, striving and chaos this semester. I've never been one to get caught up in things like that going on around me. Truth is, I know that I have a different purpose and calling. I hope that when it's all said and done, I have been like Rome and Jackie O. I believe that I'm called to have a different approach to life and specifically the job search than those around me. I hope that I am doing that calling justice. That I am allowing God to show Himself through me by remaining grounded and confident, not giving into the chaos around me. I also hope that this is preparation for the rest of life, and that I may remain that way no matter what phase of life I am in. I pray there may never be any doubt who I am, and Whose I am.
Now playing: CASCADA - Truly Madly Deeply (UK Radio Edit)
via FoxyTunes
Posted by
Sarah Gail
10:36 PM
Labels: classic, eat pray love, elegant
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I feel like I've moved to Boston! We've been here a week now, and I won't be heading back until tomorrow evening. With the conference being over, today is going to be filled with traveling and visiting the city.
I have never been so excited to go back to College Station, and sleep in my own bed!!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
11:33 AM
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Knocking States off the list. . .
As of right now I have 17 states I've never been to. When I head to Boston that will be 16. I just reserved a rental car to drive to New Hampshire to see my Godparents, which will make that list dwindle to 15. I'm so excited!!
And, I might side step to Vermont and Maine so that I can say it's only 13. . . who knows!
New England here I come!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
10:33 PM
I leave in just a little more than two days for Boston and the NASPA Conference. NASPA is one of the main student affairs conferences, and one of the biggest places for job searching. While the actual conference starts on Sunday, The Placement Exchange (a.k.a. job searching) starts on Thursday morning. I can't believe that the time has finally come! It seems like we've been talking and planning for this trip forever (I did order my plane ticket in September!). I don't have a lot of job interviews set up yet, only two to be exact. However, there are a few more that I need to apply for and hopefully will have at least 2 more set up before Thursday.
I have reached a good point in my job search. There are people around me who are searching and who are truly desperate. They apply for every job that opens which sounds remotely interesting, even if it is at an institution they wouldn't like to work in, or a place they wouldn't want to live. There are also the people (sometimes they are the same people) who say that the first job is just a job. It's just roughly a two year commitment to gain the experience to get a better job. The goal is just to get one and keep it until a better one comes along. It is truly challenging to watch that and not start to feel a small amount of desperation creeping in. It's also hard not to develop a spirit of pity towards their lack of confidence in their purpose.
I have not grown desperate, and I won't either. My job search comes out of a place of deep calling and passion. I refuse to live my life half-heartedly or to apply for a position just to say that I have. God has called me for a specific purpose, and His time line is much different than the time line of those around me. I have developed a since of pride and confidence in God's hand and calling on my job search. I know that He has an amazing first job lined up for me, and it will be at a place where he has truly called me to serve. The Lord has been truly faithful to me, and I have no doubt that he will continue to be. He has blessed me with a strong sense of discernment, and I know that he will reveal things to me in the right time. I am truly excited to see what and where it is! I pray that I will be able to keep my eyes and my heart focused on Him through this time. I believe I'm called to be an example of peace around chaos. When I have tried to live that on my own, I have failed. I need to remain focused and allow God to work and talk through me. I pray that he uses me to plant some seeds that might grow some day.
On an unrelated note- Safe Spring Break Week started on Thursday. This has demanded a lot of my time as a member of the planning committee and I love seing things come to fruition. Part of the events included two nights of passing out water at bars. Thursday night we passed out water at one of the big dance halls that has a popular college night. Last night we passed it out behind Northgate (the bar district across from campus). The free water was a big hit and we had a great time in the process! Both were long nights (2:30 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. respectfully), where around 700 bottles of water were distributed. I also was able to see a fist fight and report it to the police, which was a first!
The next couple of days means ironing, packing, finishing up some school work that's due on Thursday and getting work stuff ready for me to be out for a week. My NASPA roommates and I drive to Houston on Tuesday evening to stay in a seedy hotel. Our flight to Boston (non-stop, thankfully) is at 7:30 a.m. An early flight is good because it means I can sleep the whole time- which is a blessing for someone who hates flying. Because we have to be at the airport so early (between 6 and 6:30) we decided to drive down the night before. We get into Boston around lunch time, and interviewing starts on Thursday. Sunday the conference starts and finishes next Wednesday. We fly out on Thursday evening. We thought it'd be fun to have an extra night in Boston to sight see and have fun, since it is our spring break!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
11:57 AM
Labels: boston, job search
Friday, February 29, 2008
Fight the Feeling
This is my cousin!! (Distant, but still, we're related).
He's awesome!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
1:16 PM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Grace for Today. . .
I am a big fan of the Grace For a Moment series of daily devotional thoughts from Max Lucado. This is what today's says:
"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalm 56:3 nlt
How did Jesus endure the terror of the crucifixion? He went first to the Father with his fears. He modeled the words of Psalm 56:3.
Do the same with yours. Don't avoid life's Gardens of Gethsemane. Enter them. Just don't enter them alone. And while there, be honest. Pounding the ground is permitted. Tears are allowed. And if you sweat blood, you own't be the first. Do what Jesus did; open your heart.
And be specific. Jesus was. "Take this cup," he prayed. Give God the number of the flight. Tell him the length of the speech. share the details of the job transfer. He has plenty of time. He also has plenty of compassion.
He doesn't think your fears are foolish or silly. He won't tell you to "buck up" or "get tough."
He's been where you are. He knows how you feel.
And he knows what you need."
From Traveling Light by Max Lucado.
How I need to remember that in this phase of life!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
4:52 PM
Labels: grace for the moment, max lucado
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I'm secretly in love with Donald Miller (click here). Maybe I should move to Seattle when I graduate so I can meet him again. This time, it would need to not be with my library of his work in my hands for him to sign.
I'll save that for our second date, hate to scare him away too quickly.
I'm about 75% serious about this.
Posted by
Sarah Gail
11:24 PM
Remembering Undergrad. . .
I remember spring semester of my senior year at Belmont. Some of my friends would get really frustrated when people asked what they were doing after graduation because they didn't know. I never was flustered because I knew.
Fast-Forward Two Years:
I know what they must have felt like. It's really annoying when everyone asks you about your job search and where you are going to be. Usually these people are well intentioned. I feel an unusual burden to be completely honest and truthful. Which, is more hassle than it might be worth. Especially when the people asking, aren't really your friends, or that close to you. Friends, have this way of asking without coming right out and asking. I like that a lot. And, they reassure you that everything works out as it's supposed to rather than offering fake reassurance for what is the topic at the time. I don't like that much.
So, for those who are curious, the answers are:
1. No, I don't know what I'm doing when I graduate, where I'll be living, or when I'll start.
2. I have only applied for a couple of jobs, and am waiting for more to be posted.
3. I don't know when that will happen.
4. I don't think I'm being too picky.
5. All I know is that God is not calling me to live in a van down by the river, so I should end up with something.
6. If it's at Starbucks, I'm OK with that. I can minister to a lot of college students at the right Starbucks.
7. Again, I don't think I'm being too picky.
8. God gives us the desires of our hearts for a purpose. And will bring a good, perfect gift. That's Biblical. If I weren't really tired, I'd look it up for you. :)
I'm not bitter. Really. I'm excited to see where it is God is calling me to, even if it is a strategically placed Starbucks. As long as I can start paying on my student loans, I'm good.
Posted by
Sarah Gail
11:10 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Too funny. . .
I'm sitting in my favorite coffee shop, "working" on cover letters. There is this serious math guy studying math stuff, and his phone just rang. His ringer is "Everybody Dance Now". I almost laughed out loud, but I figured that might be rude. So I posted on here for the world to know instead!
Now playing: Garth Brooks - A Friend To Me
via FoxyTunes
Posted by
Sarah Gail
3:27 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Job Search
This job search process has the potential to be frustrating. I don't think I'm high maintenance or asking too much. But, I'm really going to need more colleges to post jobs that excite me. Right now there's not much out there. I've applied for a few things, but I feel so far behind when my cohort members start talking about the multiple jobs they've applied for, or the interviews they have a NASPA. It makes me feel like I should feel a bit more desperate. (NASPA is in 17 days after all).
I refuse to allow desperation to enter my job search. Truth is- My job is already ordained, and there is no purpose for me stressing. Truthfully, this process is about trusting the Lord and His provision. He has provided for me in every other transition, why would this one be any different?
On an unrelated topic- I'm home in Kentucky for the weekend. I really felt like I needed to get out of town before the traveling chaos of the next several weeks started. I was able to get a cheep ticket on southwest to head home, and so here I am. Sitting in my favorite Louisville coffee shop, working on cover letters and job applications. After spending the afternoon watching UK basketball with my dad, grandfather and little brother. There's snow on the ground, and tornado damage scattered around. It's an odd mixture of things, since tornado damage is more often around in the spring, after the snow melts.
It's good to be home. I'm going to finish up this email and head back home for dinner.
.peace and love.
Now playing: Sara Evans - Niagara Falls
via FoxyTunes
Posted by
Sarah Gail
5:00 PM
Friday, February 08, 2008
So moving
My heart has been so touched by the story of this girl and her family. I pray that you might click here and learn more about them. Keep them in your prayers. God only knows how deep their heartache is!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
10:33 PM
Thursday, February 07, 2008
God's Providence. . .
Sometimes comes in the form of the flu. Sadly, it takes that to get our attention sometimes. This semester is shaping up to be a busy one for me. Between finishing up responsibilities from last semester, preparing for presentations at conferences, job searching and finishing up here so that I can move somewhere else in May- there are a lot of things vying for my time. Last week, I started to notice cold and flu like symptoms coming. Knowing that I had a lot of commitments last week, and that I had the first of job interviews on Monday, I prayed that God would spare me from that. I certainly didn't have time for a cold.
God did spare me. Helped me to focus and be prepared for my interview, while faithfully checking off the to-do list. When the interview was finished, I noticed a sense of stress relief rush over my body. First, there were tears. Then, the next morning- The Flu!
That's right, the flu. All of it- temperature anywhere from 99.9-102.8, headaches, body aches (including my hair and skin), cough, sneezing, loss of appetite and energy. You name the flu symptom, I have it. (Seriously, according to WebMd.com, I have them all).
Since Tuesday morning, I've been in bed, sleeping, taking medicine, drinking apple juice and taking my temperature religiously. This has given me time to reflect on the meaning of my current circumstances. I, unbeknown to many, really get stressed out about things. I know things work out the way they are supposed to, but, I really worry about them in the mean time.
Take this job interview for example. I know the university and the job, I've studied them backwards and forwards, I know the material for my presentation by heart, my suit was pressed and dry cleaned, my shoes had just been repaired- all was ready. I was ready. But, the night before, I let myself get so stressed out, that I was nearly sick to my stomach.
I get so stressed, and I keep it all in. And then the flu happens. Or a migraine. Or something along those lines. All outward signs of inward stress. I've known this for a while, but I really had a revelation when the tears came on the drive back.
I cannot make it through the next 91 days without allowing myself to express some of that stress to others. I have had people who have expressed the desire to supportive of me during this time, and I really need to allow them to be. While some of those individuals say that and will never actually follow through with their promise, others would, if I would let them.
So here is my pledge, that I will be honest about my stress when appropriate and learn to lean on God and others, rather than just myself.
But for now, I've been sitting upright for about 2 hours (which is the longest since Monday). So now it's time for medicine and sleep. Pray that I feel much better tomorrow. We have new RA interviews from 3:45-9:15 tomorrow evening and Group Process from 8-5. I couldn't go to homecoming because I had to be here for this, so I'd be sad if I missed work because I was sick and still didn't get to go to homecoming. (But, Go Bruins!!)
Posted by
Sarah Gail
9:10 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Weird Vibes.
I was out with some friends here the other evening and I had a conversation with one of them that has been stuck in my head since. After discussing job search and class, he asked (with a straight face) "How's your love interest?" After picking my jaw up off the floor, I managed to ask who had told him that I had one in the first place. It turns out that no one was passing that rumor around, but, he had simply just thought that I had one. He said I gave off the "unavailable vibe". It was so strong, apparently, that he had thought I was dating someone since he met me in August. Even so much so that he thought I should be getting engaged anytime now.
Seriously? Seriously! Clearly we aren't that close of friends.
I tried to get him to explain what it means to exhibit such a vibe, with little luck. All he could muster is that I just seemed preoccupied, and distracted. Truth be told I have been preoccupied and distracted. I live life in my own world, and my own reality. And, I wonder, will there ever be a time where I'm comfortable sharing that reality with another person?
This is not a post begging for people to tell me that I won't be alone for ever. I think I may actually be at a place in my life where I believe that being just me forever, is quite enough. I want to get married and have children some day, at least the idea is appealing. But, as I drink my tea and eat my biscotti (I feel so European), I truly believe, that if I never find The One, I am going to be just fine. Doubting the Lord's purpose in my singleness would negate trusting him in any other place.
Posted by
Sarah Gail
6:45 PM
Labels: single life, vibes
Monday, January 21, 2008
Seeing Life through Love. . .
Love languages that is. Having been a psychology major in undergrad, I have always had an interest in personality testing and ways of defining attributes of individuals. One that I enjoy is based on a book by Gary Chapman (see left or click here) titled "The Five Love Languages". While Chapman's orginal work focused on relationships with one's "mate" the idea has since been transfered to many types of relationships.
My love language is Quality Time. This is all about spending time with someone and/or having great conversation with that person. Honestly, unless I have meaningful contact with someone on a daily basis, I feel pretty unloved. (A close second is Words of Affirmation).
I spent a little time today reflecting on the differences between this year and last in comparison to my attitude and overall happiness. While I still am very unhappy here and feel generally disconnected from those around me, there is one major difference. Last year God felt very distant and removed from my life here, but this year He seems much closer.
Last year I allowed myself to lose sight of my calling to be in this place. I allowed myself to focus on the negative and the here and now. Thus, I lost sight of God. After being reminded that this time has a purpose, even though it's not a pleasant experience, I returned with a renewed sense of calling. I have found myself focusing more on the calling and the face of God in this time.
My attitude towards life and my remaining 109 days here has improved because I have focused on quality time with the Lord. As my love language was used, God seems nearer. Things as simple as going to a church that feeds me, and reading the Word, fills my needs.
While this may not be a major revelation to anyone but me, I find it interesting how pervasive love languages are in everything. It reminds me how important it so for me to have relationships where I can have quality time with those people. Whether that be a short phone conversation, or a coffee date, it's so important to my mental health! I hope that as I transition to a new phase of life I remember this lesson, however simple it may be.
Posted by
Sarah Gail
10:06 PM
Labels: love languages, reflection
Sunday, January 20, 2008
My Taste In Movies
I enjoy movies that have happy endings, involve musicals, or are animated.
What I do not enjoy are movies like:
The Myst (Please note, when searching for this movie on Apple Trailers and IMDB.com, nothing came up. But I swear to you, that this is a real movie. And I did watch it.)
I think I would be much happier living here if I had people whose company I enjoyed who shared my taste in movies. Perhaps in my next move, I'll find friends who like happy endings and movies that have them as much as I do.
Posted by
Sarah Gail
11:43 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Back in the swing of things. . .
With classes starting this week, life is starting to feel more rythmic. That rhythm right now is busy. Work wise, I have 22 alcohol education workshop follow ups and 13 conduct meetings that must happen in the next week and a half. I managed to meet with half most of my AEW students this week and have the rest this coming week and half the conduct meetings as well.
This semester I only have 9 hours of classes. I'm taking Higher Education Finance, Administration, and Environments. Finance has the potential to be an interesting course. Already I can tell we are going to be talking about public institutions and lobbing state legislature for money. While that can be interesting, I hope we are able to make this class applicable for those of us who will be at private institutions from here on out.
Administration has been deemed by our professor as the catch all class. It is also our prep class for comprehensive exams. We'll be doing lots of case study practices over the semester hoping that when the time comes we'll be ready. Environments is a new class this year. We have some really exciting projects analyzing learning environments and I'm excited about doing the work!
This semester is a lighter load of classes. Also, I don't have an internship this semester. Both of these things means much more free time for fun things like watching reruns of my favorite shows, college basketball, reading, working out and applying for jobs. I know that this semester is going to go very quickly now that it's gotten started, but I'm ready for that.
Here are some pictures from Christmas time. They include the SAAHE holiday party, Res Life banquet, Patrick's Wine and cheese party, home for Christmas, and the Music City Bowl. Hope you enjoy!
Posted by
Sarah Gail
6:28 PM
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Coffee. . .
It amazes me how one cup of coffee can set the mood for a day. I am no the proud owner of a coffee grinder. I used my Christmas funds to purchase one and a new blend of coffee- Dunkin Donuts original coffee. When I opened the bag it was as though I had died and gone to heaven the aroma was so delightful. I have been in such an odd mood lately, but that prefect cup of coffee made a big difference in my outlook on life.
I have decided there are a few things that I want to do this year. I wouldn't say that they are new years resolutions, but rather, that they are some reasonable goals for the new year. Here they are
- Start every morning with a healthy, balanced breakfast.
- Eat that breakfast at my bar/table rather than on the run somewhere.
- Get up on time every morning so that I have the time to dry my hair before a meeting.
- Run the Music City Marathon in Spring of 2009
- Keep my room clean and bed made
Posted by
Sarah Gail
8:18 PM
Saturday, January 05, 2008
There's just a lot that's been going through my mind in recent weeks. It's truly times like this that make me wish intellection wasn't one of my strengths. {Intellection is from Gallop's StrengthsFinder and means someone who thinks a lot. I interpret that as dark and brooding.} Sometimes I wish I could just turn that off! This semester has a lot of really exciting things coming. I have no idea what it's going to look like. My mind has been working overtime thinking about so many things and I'm just exhausted. All of life is a journey, and the part that I am on is challenging.
Moses was a man who probably felt the way that I feel right now (but for him- multiplied to the millionth power). In Exodus there is a passage that I really like right now:
Posted by
Sarah Gail
11:40 PM